
Helpful DUI Links

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Washington State DUI Information and WA State DUI Help

Helpful Links in Dealing with Your Washington State DUI

While your Washington DUI is pending, there are a number of potential issues that may arise. The links on this page are designed to assist you in providing Washington State DUI Information and forms that may be useful to you.

Obtaining a Hardship Permit or Work Permit to DriveThe link contains info and an ORL (Temporary or Occupational Restricted License) application if your license is currently suspended. http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/restricted.html

DUI DOL Request FormThis link contains info about how to request a Department of Licensing Hearing after you have been arrested for DUI. It also provides the specific form that you should use when requesting a hearing. http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/dui.html

Info on WA Commercial Driver’s License (CDL’s)This link provides info about who needs a CDL and how to obtain one. http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/cdl.html

Washington State DUI Information: Put in a Request for Your Driving RecordThis link provides instructions on how you can obtain a copy of your Washington State diving record.http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/requestyourrecord.html

Instructions for King County District Court Criminal CasesThis link provides info and instructions about King County District Court cases. https://kingcounty.gov/en/court/district-court/about-king-county/about-district-court/local-rules

Find Your Next Court Date HereThis link allows you to find your next court date within any currently pending Washington State district or municipal court case. http://dw.courts.wa.gov/index.cfm?fa=home.fmcd&terms=accept

Washington State Road RulesSearch for your traffic infration or speeding ticket. This link provides access to the specific section of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) that deals with driving crimes, speeding tickets and traffic infractions.http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.61

Info on WA Intermediate LicensesThis link provides info about driver’s licenses for teenagers. These are now referred to as “Intermediate Licenses”.http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/teens.html

How Can a MIP (Minor In Possession) Affect My Driver’s License?This link provides info about how a Washington State Minor In Possession conviction will affect your driving privileges.http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/minor.html.

WA State DUI help: Info on All Types of Washington State license SuspensionsThis link provides detailed info about the numerous types of license supsensions here in Washington State.http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/suspensions.html

The WA State DUI Help You Need.

If you have been arrested for DUI in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, Everett, Olympia, or Washington, our experienced Washington DUI attorneys are here to give you the WA State DUI help you need. Over the years, our experienced Washington DUI lawyers have helped hundreds of individuals take their lives back. A Washington DUI does not have to ruin your life. You have rights and options.

The simple truth is that being arrested for drunk driving is nearly always a shock. No one expects to be pulled over and have their entire world turned upside down. But it is important to understand that you do have rights. Washington DUI law is extremely complex.

Our Washington DUI attorneys literally look for dozens of issues in every single DUI case that we review. From the reason that you were initially stopped until the time that you are released, our Washington DUI lawyers are trying to find ways to suppress as much of the evidence against you as possible.

Call Washington Criminal Attorneys now for a free consultation (844) 311-8605

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