Charged With a Misdemeanor or Felony Prostitution?
Washington Prostitution Lawyers From Our Firm Can Help.
The definition of prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual conduct with another individual in return for a fee. In solicitation, an individual offers to pay, or pays, a fee in order for another person to engage in sexual conduct with them.
Prostitution Crimes in Washington State.
If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation, it is essential that you contact Washington Criminal Attorneys for proven legal representation. At our firm, we collectively have over 30 years of successful criminal defense experience on behalf of individuals facing prostitution-related charges
Punishments for Prostitution and Solicitation in Washington State.
Both prostitution and solicitation are misdemeanors, and bring with them up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of up to $1,000 dollars. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side gives you a much better chance of having your charges dismissed or substantially mitigated. We will thoroughly prepare your case defense, and aggressively assert your rights in court.
Discretion is also an important factor in these cases. Our firm understands your need for privacy, and we would have all mail relating to the charges sent to our office. We know how important your reputation can be, both in work and in your community. Our prostitution lawyers in Washington State will provide advice on how to sustain privacy on the matter both in the present and future.
Our Washington Prostitution Attorneys Can Build You a Strong Defense.
If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation, time is a factor. It is very important that you act quickly to get the best defense and to keep the matter private. You can take confidence in being represented by a legal team that is not only a premier law firm, but that also steadfastly looks out for your best interests.
Contact our Prostitution Attorneys in Washington Today.
With so much on the line, it’s vital to contact a Washington prostitution lawyer at the firm for proven legal defense if you are facing prostitution or solicitation charges. Call TOLL FREE for help: 855-WA Advice (844) 311-8605